nova harvest ltd


Nova Harvest Ltd. is an aquaculture company that applies innovative, science-based solutions to support the development of a sustainable shellfish industry in BC. Operating since 2011, on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, Nova Harvest Ltd. is dedicated to producing high quality shellfish seed for local shellfish farmers.

Our Ventures

Growing shellfish to grow the shellfish industry 

The Hatchery

Where the magic happens.
Our land-based hatchery, located next to the Bamfield Marine Science Centre, is a compact facility that carries a high-tech punch. A state of the art micro-algae laboratory and larvae culture systems enable us to consistently produce shellfish seed at both high quantity and quality.

The Nursery

Keeping it local.
Our ocean-based nursery, in the pristine waters of Barkley Sound, creates the perfect environment for oyster seed to grow – up to 1” – supplying the local BC shellfish industry.
This seed is destined for shellfish farms throughout the West Coast of Vancouver Island, including our very own.

The Farm

Collaboration & Culture.
Our farms are operated by the Mariculture Limited Partnership,
between Nova Harvest and HFN Group of Businesses. Together we work to build a sustainable oyster industry that benefit the local communities and ecosystems in Barkley Sound, in traditional territory of Huu-ay-aht First Nations

The Processing plant

From ‘seed’ to ‘slurp’.
Our processing plant is located in The Dock + Port Alberni's regional food processing hub. With the Port Alberni Port Authority and tenants, we are helping bring life back to the old plant at Fishermen's Harbour - a terrific gateway for sharing the magic of Barkley Sound oysters with the world.

we believe in sustainable aquaculture

Nova Harvest is passionate about supporting the development of the oyster farming industry in BC. Oysters are an incredibly sustainable protein source, having a net positive impact on the surrounding marine environment by providing valuable habitat and ecosystem services.

Nova Harvest’s mission is to provide a reliable Canadian source of high-quality shellfish seed while developing innovative, mechanized, efficient, and scalable shellfish aquaculture technologies that increase the productivity and economic sustainability of oyster farming. 

Our Values

Shellfish | Innovation | Sustainability 


Supporting the growth and development of Canadian aquaculture through innovation and a reliable source of high caliber seed.


Focusing heavily on innovation and research to arrive at science-based solutions that maximize efficiency and collaboration.


Striving to create a positive work environment driven to build a mean, lean, oyster production machine.

great shellfish starts with great people

Our most valuable asset

We love what we do and our amazing dedicated team is proof we are doing something right. 

J.P. has built Nova Harvest Ltd. from the ground up, literally and figuratively. Originally from Nova Scotia, JP moved west to complete his MSc at UBC then took on the challenge of starting the shellfish hatchery – first with geoduck clams and now oysters. Mostly self-taught through experiential learning, he is the definition of an innovative leader; ensuring that creative problem solving is combined with integrity and attention to the details. An expert in hatchery systems, J.P. is driven to creating new solutions for shellfish rearing, and pushing the shellfish aquaculture industry to its true potential.

J.P. Hastey

President, Founding Member
MSc:  Animal Sciences

Angela is fearlessly optimistic - believing that no problem is too large to solve. With her wealth of knowledge in invertebrate biology and aquatic systems design, she leads our team as they navigate the intense production season. Prior to working at Nova Harvest, she studied integrated multi-trophic aquaculture with the DFO and UVic. Her combined passion for growing sustainable shellfish and maintaining a positive, productive work environment has allowed Nova Harvest Ltd. to build an awesome team with the common goal of producing quality products for our customers.

Angela Fortune

General Manager
MSc: Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture 

Marielle is the new office wizard. Tasked with organizing the books, taming the tech, and exploring new opportunities, she figures it out and gets it done. Coming from the aquarium biology and animal research ethics worlds, she helps support the team as they make new plans, and forge new paths. Out of the office, Marielle spends her time taking in Barkley Sound’s gorgeous ocean views, foraging for mushrooms, and dreaming about delicious sustainable (sea)food.

Marielle Monteiro Gilmour

Office Administration
BSc: Zoology 

Olivia, leads our intensive hatchery microalgae culture overseeing the production of dense, top-notch microalgae that serves as crucial sustenance for our shellfish seed during their hatchery journey. Olivia brings with her a wealth of knowledge in marine biology, leadership and education. From imparting knowledge about intertidal organisms to twelve-year-olds to training new team members on the intricacies of diatom nutrient requirements, Olivia exemplifies the qualities that fuel a team's success. Her expertise, combined with her passion for teaching and guiding others, drives our collective efforts forward.

Olivia Walker

Algae Technician
BSc: Marine Biology

Shannon, our resident expert in bivalve larvae and nursery care. With a Masters of Science focused on the survival of marine invertebrate larvae in Bamfield, Shannon brings a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to the Nova Harvest team. As a key member of our hatchery production team, she applies her expertise with utmost dedication, ensuring the well-being and growth of bivalve larvae under her care. Shannon's passion extends beyond her professional pursuits, as she also shares a deep affection for dogs, penchant for Blink 182 and is one of our kick-ass local firefighters. Her incredible work ethic and unwavering positive attitude make her an invaluable asset to the Nova Team, constantly contributing to our shared success.

Shannon Mendt

Hatchery Technician
MSc: Marine Biology 

Brayden is our hard-working problem solver. With a diverse range of talents, Brayden plays a crucial role in executing farm technology development projects while also immersing himself in the world of oyster farming, acquiring knowledge in various areas. A true renaissance man, he thrives on the challenges presented and adapts swiftly to meet them head-on. Maybe the most optimistic one in the bunch - he will always greet you with a giant smile and a welcoming fist pump.

Brayden T

Farm and Fabrication Lead

Amanda isn’t afraid of getting her feet wet – literally or figuratively. Whether it involves cleaning tanks, tending to oysters, or working out on the open ocean, Amanda approaches every task with unwavering commitment and a strong work ethic. Her extensive background in aquarium animal care shines through in the exceptional quality of the shellfish we produce. Hailing all the way from Ireland, Amanda's journey led her to the remote haven of Bamfield, and we consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have her as part of our team. Her dedication and passion have not only made a positive impact on our operations but have also helped her create a newfound home in this picturesque coastal community.

Amanda Egan

Hatchery Technician
BSc: Marine Biology

                                                                    Our CO-OP Students – Past & Present

Andreas is excited about using his knowledge and problem-solving skills to aid in the design of new farming equipment. His passion for sustainable farming aligns well with the team's goals and makes him a valuable asset. Andreas hails all the way from Ontario to join the small coastal community of Bamfield. His musical talents, dripping in finesse and boasting a coolness many compare to the mighty cucumber, have made him a must see at open mic nights on the Boardwalk.

Andreas Haramis

Engineering CO-OP Intern
BASc: Mechanical Engineering

Megan is dedicated and enthusiastic with a clear passion for applying her mechanical engineering knowledge to the field of farming technology. Her can-do attitude, collaborative methodology and readiness to tie a bowline is, undoubtedly, an asset to the team. Megan is bringing innovative solutions to the challenges faced in aquaculture and helping drive the development of new farming technologies.

Megan Dunn

Engineering CO-OP Intern
BEng:  Mechanical Engineering

Katie made her mooves to the aquaculture space with a background in dairy farming, agriculture, and toboggan racing.

Katie Van Rooyen

Engineering CO-OP Intern
BEng:  Mechanical Engineering

Our first engineering co-op student, Ally rohls with the changes and challenges that come with designing aquaculture equipment for the open water. A competitive sailor, Ally ties the fastest bowline. She is a leader in multiple ventures. Her cheerful, adventurous spirit have guided her strong leadership in this new adventure.

Ally Rohlicek

Engineering CO-OP Intern
BEng+ASc. Biomechanical

“The way you do anything, is the way you do everything”

-JP Hastey*, Founding member of Nova Harvest


Current Opportunities

We are always looking for talented people who share our values and passion for aquaculture.

Shellfish Farm Operator

Positions Available Now

Shellfish Farm Manager

Position Available Now

Shellfish Hatchery Technician

Positions Available April 2025